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Dalkey Devils Youth Underway & National Level Trials

Well, we had our first big week back in the gym(s) last week, and things are cranking out of the gate!

We had 11 hours of volleyball training with our youth between Castlepark and Cluny on Friday with the boys, then some of us were back in the Castlepark Hall on the Saturday and Sunday for the U16s boys and girls trials for the East Region Development Centres. Two of our Dalkey Devils coaches head up each centre, Matt Hanlon (me) and Alessandra Trio, which are designed to get our U16s for a future with the national teams.

That turns our little home, Castlepark Sports Hall, into a real hub of volleyball in Ireland, which couldn't be more exciting. We've got some great gear in the closet and some of the nicest courts in the country for hosting two nets at once.

All in all, a lot of volleyball this week, and a lot to be pumped about this year. We have some promising players and plenty of enthusiasm.

We're still likely to have some movement in teams over the next few weeks, so if you're on the waiting list, hang tight as our rosters settle, and we'll be in touch soon.

Coaches Wanted!

With the nearly overwhelming demand for youth volleyball in the area, we want to try and make sure every youth who wants to play gets a chance, no matter their level. We have three pretty dedicated coaches in Julio, Trish, and Shannon, as well as myself, but we're always looking for extra hands in the gym.

You don't have to be Karch Kiraly (for even know who that is), because we'll make sure you have some good guidelines, things to watch for, and we'll give you a bit of training, as well as the excellent training Volleyball Ireland offer to new coaches!

The only requirements are that you're willing to get Garda-vetted, have a bit of time on a Wednesday night, and are willing to hang out with a bunch of motivated players for an evening or two.

If this sounds good to you, feel free to drop us a note at with the subject: Youth Coaching and I'll be in touch.

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